Friday, May 2, 2014


Happy isn't a thing, it's a state of mind. You can't have happy, you just are. Since its not something you can possess, you have to want it. You have to be happy on purpose. This is not always easy. When you wake up in the morning, you have to choose to be happy. You have to choose to not let the events of the day tarnish your ability to be happy. So often, having a positive attitude is instrumental in having a happy life. How can you be happy if you have a negative outlook on everything that happens to you? Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the bad things that happen to us that we forget to rejoice in the fhings that are amazing.
This is the part where youre going to hear about my faith. No one is forcing you to read it, its just MY truth. It may not be yours. There is only one way to happiness.  At least, the real kind. It comes through an honest,  raw relationship with Jesus. It comes from putting in the time. It comes from letting go of of the show, and focusing on the reality. If the rest of the people in the world see that you are prayerful and full of thanksgiving, but you are not, you are only doing a disservice to yourself. Happiness can not be achieved by pretending to have it. Saying that you said a prayer and actually saying one are different. Be comitted to your relationship with Christ. Seek Him, seek enrichment in life through Him anyway you can get it. Place your worries and anxieties in Him. The Bible tells us that He has it under control, and can handle anything. So why don't we believe that? You can choose to trust the Lord and let him guide you, care for you, and provide for you, or you can dwell on your situation.You can complain, you can whine, you can pout. God sees the pain you feel, put he also knows your plan. He knows your pain because he allowed it for you. Each ache, each pain, each loss, ech distress. They are instruments in the grand plan that is our lives. Perhaps they define who we will be in the next life.
The point in this, in my feeling, in my faith is simple. If you must become the change you wish to see, you have to start by making the decision to be happy. When I was younger, I read a quote that said Be Happy On Purpose. It didn't say to be happy when something good happens to you, or see what the day will bring. It said ON PURPOSE. Roll out of bed, let your feet hit the floor and decide that regardless what life throws at you today,  you will enjoy it. You will be happy because you are alive.Its not always easy to stay positive, to not let the world get you down. But when you put the hard work into it, you find that youre smiling more, laughing more, and taking joy in even the mundane day to day stuff. Im not naive enough to think that this doesnt apply to me too, and so its time to make some changes. Its timd to make a bigger effort to be happy, and do it on purpose. I hope you will too.