Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 8 Updates

Well, here we are again! This week's appointment went well, although there was some concerning news from the doctor again. Seems like we keep finding things that are wrong with mommy, but baby is doing JUST fine. All we have to do is work on getting ME figured out. This last week, I've been having SERIOUS issues with dizziness and light-headedness. The doctor checked my blood sugar, and it was fine, although a little low for me, and recommended that i buy a glucose checker to keep up with it myself. I think i'll be doing that. She wrote me a script for some medicines to help manage those feelings, but let me know that they're going to make me pretty tired. Like I don't have enough issues with that as it is. The baby's heartbeat is a steady and strong 125, and that's fantastic for the gestational age. We get to see the gentle beating each time we see him (her?), but we wont get to hear it until mid February. We're just thrilled at this point that everything is increasing, and doing just what its supposed to. I'd like to think Bells has a hand in that. Other than that though, not much else to report. We won't have to see the doctor again until February, at our 11 week mark, which is JUST fine with us, it means our little love is doing BEAUTIFULLY. We did another ultrasound, and got to see our baby. Still a teeny-tiny little thing, but getting bigger everyday. 
Still a little dot in the middle of the black dot, but getting bigger!

Things around the house have been going well. Its hard to live in a house with 3 different families, and tensions can be high at times, but we make it work, and we do it together. We've already decided on baby names for the little one, which I'll reveal a little later. So many people are pregnant right now, I'm trying not to give away my names, ESPECIALLY since i suspect a few people will like the ones I've picked, AND are due before me. I don't like to name my babies something my friends have named theirs. It confuses things. lol. I've been having a little discomfort, but its nothing really that i'm concerned about, and the doctors don't seem to be either. I've pretty much just resigned myself to the fact that this is going to be a HARD pregnancy, but as it could very well be my LAST pregnancy, I am going to embrace it, and enjoy it, and look toward the future and the beautiful baby that i'll be holding when all is said and done. I'll be elaborating more on this topic later this week, for those who care to view my thoughts. As far as the boys go, they are VERY happy about the new addition to our family. My Imp isn't as sure about what's going on, mostly he just points to my belly and says baby because he's seen his brother do it. My Troll, however, is SO excited about his new little brother or sister. He tells pretty much everyone who will listen. As I'm sure I already told everyone, the Dr gave him his very own picture at our first ultrasound, and he carried it all over the place. Tonight though, I found him spending time with his new little brother or sister in a whole different way. 
Sleeping With "His Baby"
This little boy has embraced this baby with EVERYTHING his little heart has, and everyday he asks me how much longer until his baby comes out of my tummy. He's such a little sweetheart, and makes every little part of my life that much better just by being in it. Well, I'm going to wrap this one up here for right now, I'll be back later this week to blog again. :) 

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