Friday, May 25, 2012

Mean Little Girls Grow Up To Be Catty Little Bitches....

I always thought it wasn't so bad to be a girl. We get all the cute stuff, we get sparkles, and glitter, and CUTE. And when I was younger, that was really all that mattered. What, in this whole wide world could be MORE important than cute? Not a damn thing. Then I hit elementary school, and I realized something important. Girls are NOT very nice creatures. They start hate clubs, and slam books, and rumors. They hate you for not being cool enough, they hate you for being too cool, and they ignore you if you fall somewhere in the middle. It occurred to me, as I watched my guy friends around me that this "hazing" didn't occur so often. Sure, they had groups, cliques, if you will....but there wasn't a whole hell of a lot of name calling or anything of that nature. And then...I got into high school and these very rude creatures turned into catty little bitches, and have been ever since.
It's true though, we're all guilty. Your best friends become your enemies and your enemies become your best friends and WHY is that, you ask? Because we LIE. That, and...I don't care who says it, and when, women can NOT keep secrets. Never tell your girlfriend something that you don't want ANYONE else to know, because she's telling SOMEONE, and it's likely to be someone you're both friends with. You wanna share secrets? Tell your mom! She used to be a catty bitch, but then she grew out of it. SHE'S the one to share secrets with, she's bound by "mom law" NOT to tell anyone else (except maybe your dad, if it involves sex or money) . Mom's are the way to go.
Now, i didn't remember that LITTLE girls were mean little creatures until Jason got into preschool. The girls in this class will slap each other, call each other names, rally all the girls in the class against one girl, and then "haze" her. And holy hell, i remember this when i was growing up. One of the girls in the class specifically had a birthday party this last weekend, and it sparked up a conversation amongst the kids in the class. One of the girls asked another if she was going, and she said yes, so the girl said "i'm going too." Another little girl, from out of nowhere goes "well i'm going too!" This caused the other two girls to look at her, sneer, and say "no you're not, because YOU weren't invited." and then laugh as they talk about how GREAT this party is going to be. The girl, looking hurt says "well why not?" and one of the other two girls says "because no one likes you. you're stupid." These are FOUR YEAR OLDS!!!!! I'm baffled by how young this kind of thing is starting.
And then i watch the boys. And the boys, they're simple about it. Some of the boys play with some of the boys, and others play with others, and that's just the order of things. When a boy strays, and asks to play with the other group, they simply look at him, and move over. There's no head games, there's no purposeful harm, there's just a scooch to the right, and then the other little boy goes back to what he's doing. Boys aren't spiteful like we are, at least...not just for the sake of being that way. But women, little girls, they are. They're mean and spiteful just to prove they can be, and truthfully, we allow them to be that way. As parents, we watch them, knowing they're doing it, and realizing "hey, that happened to us too." Its a vicious cycle.
I've found though, in my years, that often, the mean little girls, have bitches for mommas. You know the kind...where you just look at them and you can tell that they think they're entitled...special. They're not.  I'd like to think that if i ever have a daughter someday, that she'll be a peace keeper, because...i was that little girl that was singled out and picked on. Me and my best friend in high school stood back to back and fought off all those little bitches of the world together....and we made it through. And we got tough, and we got hateful, and we got mean...because the world turned us that way. I guess the truth is, that whether you're born that way, or made that way, ALL women are catty little bitches. Which is guess is my point in all this. Mean little girls, grow up to be mean older bitches, and we raise our children, and they become them too. Some of them out of the sense of entitlement that their mommy's and daddy's provide to them, and some just because they HAVE to be, to survive. Either way....its happening younger and younger. Our four year olds are fighting the future bitches of America, and they're either turning, or backing down. I'm not sure which is the better choice. The only thing I'm REALLY sure of, is its shocking as hell, and kind of sad to see children so young being so mean....and i look back and wonder, were we that mean at 4 years old? And i imagine the answer is yes....and that's sad too.

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