Monday, October 1, 2012

Day 1: A Sunrise

Day One: Sunrise

It's powerful what a sunrise can do. It can make you take pause, think about the day before you...and just how lucky you are to have seen it come. It came make you think of the wonder of the such beauty can happen and change before our eyes. However...for moms and dads all over the world, a sunrise is the start of the day that their child will die. A sunrise is a symbol of the beginning of the day when they'll carry that casket to the cemetery, and bury it beneath the cool, wet, earth. It's symbolic of everything that we hate about the world, and the remembrance of the last thing we saw that was beautiful before we stopped paying attention. Since I lost Bella...i can't remember the last time i looked at the sky...amazed at what was before me. Entranced by the beauty of the world, captivated by the stars in the sky. Instead...I lost sight of what was beautiful about the world, and focused on the ugly. The ugly truth that means that people get cancer, accidents happen, and yes...innocent babies die. This month is about overcoming that ugly truth...and getting back to the beautiful. Remembering the sunrise again.

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