Day Twenty: Charity/Organization

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep. The organization that I can easily say has had the biggest impact on my life since I lost my baby girl. When we had Bella, we took literally NO pictures of her. We were conflicted about doing it tastefully, afraid of the way we would remember her if we had them. We were very....uneducated...for lack of a better word, about the services and charities that were out there for parents experiencing this type of loss. It wasn't until AFTER her death, after we'd made funeral arrangements, and begun to try to move on that we found out about this---this service that could have been ours if only we'd known about it. Beautiful, amazing, tasteful pictures of our daughter...and opportunity that we will, unfortunately NEVER get back. Since then, and after the opening of our bakery, we actively raise awareness about this service, this organization that provides FREE infant remembrance photography to parents just like us. We tell people about it who might not know, and we donate to it, from our an effort to allow them to help MORE people who might need it. People just like us. There's only so much one person can do, but as NILMDTS says, constantly, "There is no foot too small that it can not leave an imprint on this world." And that's true. We may not change the world, but if we're lucky, we'll change it for someone.
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